Kembali melanjutkan postingan tentang Bandara-bandara yang ada di dunia, kali ini adalah Bandara di Dunia dengan nama kota awalan huruf F di ikuti dengan nama negara dan nama Bandara (Dalam kurung) serta tiga huruf kode kota (Three Letter Code) sebagai berikut :
Fada Ngourma, Burkina Faso (Fada Ngourma) = FNG
Fagernes, Norway (Valdres Lufthavn Leirin) = VDB
Fagurholsmyri, Iceland (Fagurholsmyri) = FAG
Fair Isle, United Kingdom (Fair Isle) = FIE
Fairbanks, United States (Eielson AFB) = EIL
Fairbanks, United States (Fairbanks International Airport) = FAI
Fairbanks, United States (Metro Field) = MTX
Fairbanks, United States (Phillips Field) = PII
Fairbanks, AK United States (Ft Wainwright) = FBK
Fairbury, United States (Municipal) = FBY
Fairfield, United States (Municipal) = FFL
Fairfield, CA United States (Travis AFB) = SUU
Fairford, United Kingdom (RAF Station) = FFD
Fairmont, United States (Fairmont) = FRM
Fairmont Hot Springs, Canada (Fairmont Hot Springs) = YCZ
Fairview, Canada (Fairview) = ZFW
Faisalabad, Pakistan (Faisalabad) = LYP
Faizabad, Afghanistan (Faizabad) = FBD
Fajardo, Puerto Rico (Diego Jimenez Torres) = FAJ
Fak Fak, Indonesia (Fak Fak) = FKQ
Fakenham, United Kingdom (Sculthorp RAF) = FKH
Falher, Canada (Falher) = YOE
Falkenberg, Sweden (Falkenberg Rail) = XYM
Fallon, United States (Municipal) = FLX
Fallon, United States (NAS) = NFL
Falls Bay, United States (Falls Bay) = FLJ
Falls Creek, Australia (Falls Creek) = FLC
Falmouth, United States (Otis AFB) = FMH
False Island, United States (False Island) = FAK
False Pass, United States (False Pass) = KFP
Fane ,Papua New Guinea (Fane) = FNE
Farah, Afghanistan (Farah) = FAH
Faranah, Guinea (Faranah) = FAA
Farewell, United States (Farewell) = FWL
Fargo, United States (Hector Field) = FAR
Faribault, United States (Municipal) = FBL
Farmingdale, United States (Republic Field) = FRG
Farmington, United States (Regional) = FAM
Farmington, United States (Municipal) = FMN
Farnborough, United Kingdom (Farnborough) = FAB
Faro, Canada (Faro) = ZFA
Faro, Portugal (Faro) = FAO
Faro, Portugal (Faro TP) = ZYF
Farranfore, Ireland (Kerry) = KIR
Farsund, Norway (Lista) = FAN
Fasa, Iran (Fasa) = FAZ
Faskrudsfjordur, Iceland (Faskrudsfjordur) = FAS
Faya, Chad (Faya) = FYT
Fayetteville, United States (Municipal - Drake Fld) = FYV
Fayetteville, NC United States (Pope AFB) = POB
Fderik, Mauritania (Fderik) = FGD
Feijo, Brazil (Feijo) = FEJ
Feira De Santana, Brazil (Feira De Santana) = FEC
Fera Island, Solomon Islands (Fera Island) = FRE
Feramin, Papua New Guinea (Feramin) = FRQ
Fergana, Uzbekistan (Fergana) = FEG
Fergus Falls, United States (Fergus Falls) = FFM
Fergusons Gulf, Kenya (Fergusons Gulf) = FER
Ferkessedougou, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (Ferkessedougou) = FEK
Fernando De Noronha, Brazil (Fernando De Noronha) = FEN
Fetlar, United Kingdom (Fetlar) = FEA
Fez, Morocco (Sais) = FEZ
Fianarantsoa, Madagascar (Fianarantsoa) = WFI
Ficksburg, South Africa (Ficksburg Sentra Oes) = FCB
Fictitious Point/AA2, Germany (GermanRail Pass) = ZGZ
Figari, France (Sud Corse) = FSC
Filadelfia, Paraguay (Filadelfia) = FLM
Fillmore, United States (Municipal) = FIL
Fin Creek, United States (Fin Creek) = FNK
Fincha, Ethiopia (Fincha) = FNH
Findlay, United States (Findlay) = FDY
Finke, Australia (Finke) = FIK
Finley, Australia (Finley) = FLY
Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea (Finschhafen) = FIN
Fire Cove, United States (Fire Cove) = FIC
Fishers Island, United States (Elizabeth Field) = FID
Fitchburg, MA United States (Fitchburg Municipal Airport) = FIT
Fitzroy Crossing, Australia (Fitzroy Crossing) = FIZ
Fiumicino, Canada (Harbour) = ZRR
Five Finger Coast Guard Heliport, United States (Five Finger) = FIV
Five Mile, United States (Five Mile) = FMC
Flamingo, Costa Rica (Flamingo) = FMG
Flat, United States (Flat) = FLT
Flateyri, Iceland (Flateyri) = FLI
Flaxman Island, United States (Flaxman Island) = FXM
Flen, Sweden (Flen) = XYI
Flensburg, Germany (Schaferhaus) = FLF
Fletcher, United States (Asheville Regional Airport) = AVL
Flin Flon, Canada (Flin Flon) = YFO
Flinders Island, Australia (Flinders Island) = FLS
Flint, United States (Bishop International Airport) = FNT
Flippin, United States (Flippin) = FLP
Flora Valley, Australia (Flora Valey) = FVL
Florence, Italy (Peretola) = FLR
Florence, Italy (S.M. Novella Rail.Svc) = ZMS
Florence, United States (Florence) = FLO
Florencia, Colombia (Capitolio) = FLA
Flores, Guatemala (Santa Elena) = FRS
Flores Island, Portugal (Santa Cruz) = FLW
Floriano, Brazil (Cangapara) = FLB
Florianopolis, Brazil (Hercilio Luz) = FLN
Floro, Norway (Flora) = FRO
Flotta, United Kingdom (Flotta) = FLH
Foggia, Italy (Gino Lisa) = FOG
Foley ,United States (Barin Olf Osn) = NHX
Fond Du Lac, Canada (Fond Du Lac) = ZFD
Fond Du Lac, United States (Fond Du Lac) = FLD
Fontanges Canada (Fontanges) = YFG
Forbes, Australia (Forbes) = FRB
Forde, Norway (Bringeland) = FDE
Forest City, United States (Municipal) = FXY
Forest Park, United States (Morris AAF) = FOP
Forestville, Canada (Forestville) = YFE
Forli, Italy (Luigi Ridolfi) = FRL
Formosa, Argentina (El Pucu) = FMA
Forres, United Kingdom (Kinloss) = FSS
Forrest, Australia (Forrest) = FOS
Forrest City, United States (Municipal) = FCY
Forrest River, Australia (Forrest River Airport) = FVR
Forster, Australia (Forster) = FOT
Fort Albany, Canada (Fort Albany) = YFA
Fort Belvoir, United States (Davison AAF) = DAA
Fort Bragg, United States (Fort Bragg) = FOB
Fort Bragg, United States (Simmons AAF) = FBG
Fort Bridger, United States (Fort Bridger) = FBR
Fort Chaffee, United States (Chaffee AFB) = CCA
Fort Chipewyan, Canada (Fort Chipewyan) = YPY
Fort Collins/Loveland, United States (Fort Collins Bus Servi) = QWF
Fort Collins/Loveland, United States (Municipal Airport) = FNL
Fort Devens, United States (AAF Heliport) = AYE
Fort Frances, Canada (Municipal) = YAG
Fort Good Hope, Canada (Fort Good Hope) = YGH
Fort Hood, TX United States (Robert Gray AAF) = GRK
Fort Hope, Canada (Fort Hope) = YFH
Fort Indiantown, United States (Muir AAF) = MUI
Fort Irwin, United States (Bicycle Lake AAF) = BYS
Fort Jefferson, United States (Fort Jefferson) = RBN
Fort Knox, United States (Godman AAF) = FTK
Fort Kobbe, Panama (Howard Afb) = HOW
Fort Lauderdale, United States (Executive) = FXE
Fort Lauderdale, FL United States (Fort Lauderdale/hollywood International) = FLL
Fort Leavenworth, United States (Sherman AAF) = FLV
Fort Leonard Wood, United States (Forney AAF) = TBN
Fort Liard, Canada (Fort Liard) = YJF
Fort Madison, United States (Municipal) = FMS
Fort Mcmurray, Canada (Fort Mcmurray) = YMM
Fort Mcpherson, Canada (Fort Mcpherson) = ZFM
Fort Meade, United States (Tipton AAF) = FME
Fort Myers, United States (Page Field) = FMY
Fort Myers, FL United States (Southwest Florida International) = RSW
Fort Nelson, Canada (Fort Nelson) = YYE
Fort Pierce, United States (St Lucie County) = FPR
Fort Polk, United States (Polk AAF) = POE
Fort Reliance, Canada (Fort Reliance) = YFL
Fort Resolution, Canada (Fort Resolution) = YFR
Fort Richardson, United States (Bryant AAF) = FRN
Fort Riley, KS United States (Marshall AAF) = FRI
Fort Scott, United States (Municipal) = FSK
Fort Severn, Canada (Fort Severn) = YER
Fort Sheridan, United States (Haley AAF) = FSN
Fort Sill, United States (Henry Post AAF) = FSI
Fort Simpson, Canada (Fort Simpson) = YFS
Fort Smith, Canada (Fort Smith) = YSM
Fort Smith, United States (Regional) = FSM
Fort St John, Canada (Fort St John) = YXJ
Fort Stockton, United States (Pecos County) = FST
Fort Sumner, United States (Fort Sumner) = FSU
Fort Wayne, United States (Municipal/Baer Field) = FWA
Fort Wayne, IN United States (Smith Field) = SMD
Fort William, United Kingdom (Heliport) = FWM
Fort Worth, United States (Meacham Field) = FTW
Fort Worth, TX United States (Fort Worth NAS Jrb/Carswell Field) = FWH
Fort Worth, TX United States (Fort Worth Alliance) = AFW
Fort Yukon, United States (Fort Yukon) = FYU
Fortaleza, Brazil (Pinto Martins) = FOR
Fortuna, Costa Rica (Fortuna) = FON
Fortuna Ledge, United States (Fortuna Ledge) = FTL
Foshan, China (Foshan Ferry) = ZCP
Fossil Downs, Australia (Fossil Downs) = FSL
Fougamou, Gabon (Fougamou) = FOU
Foula, United Kingdom (Foula) = FOA
Foumban, Cameroon (Foumban) = FOM
Fox, United States (Fox) = FOX
Fox Glacier, New Zealand (Fox Glacier) = FGL
Fox Harbour (St Lewis), Canada (Fox Harbour /St Lewis)) = YFX
Foya, Liberia (Foya) = FOY
Franca, Brazil (Franca) = FRC
Franceville, Gabon (Franceville/Mvengue) = MVB
Francisco Beltrao, Brazil (Francisco Beltrao) = FBE
Francistown, Botswana (Francistown) = FRW
Frankfort, KY United States(Capital City) = FFT
Frankfurt, Germany (Frankfurt International Airport /rhein-main) = FRA
Frankfurt, Germany (Neu Isenburg) = QGV
Frankfurt, Germany (Rhein-Main AFB) = FRF
Franklin, United States (Chess-Lambertin) = FKL
Franklin, United States (Municipal) = FKN
Franz Josef, New Zealand (Franz Josef) = WHO
Frederick, United States (Frederick Municipal) = FDK
Frederick, United States (Municipal) = FDR
Fredericton, Canada (Fredericton) = YFC
Freeport, United States (Albertus) = FEP
Freetown, Sierra Leone (Hastings) = HGS
Freetown, Sierra Leone (Lungi International) = FNA
Freetown, Sierra Leone (Mammy Yoko Heliport) = JMY
Freida River, Papua New Guinea (Freida River) = FAQ
Frejus, France (Frejus) = FRJ
Fremantle, Australia (Heliport) = JFM
Fremont, United States (Municipal) = FET
Fresh Water Bay, United States (Fresh Water Bay) = FRP
Fresno, United States (Fresno Air Terminal Airport) = FAT
Fresno, United States (Fresno-Chandler) = FCH
Fria, Guinea (Fria) = FIG
Friday Harbor, United States (Friday Harbor) = FRD
Friday Harbor, SPB United States (Friday Harbor SPB) = FBS
Friedrichshafen, Germany (Friedrichshafen) = FDH
Fritzlar, Germany (Fritzlar Airbase) = FRZ
Front Royal, VA United States (Front Royal-Warren County) = FRR
Frutillar, Chile (Frutillar) = FRT
Fryeburg, United States (Fryeburg) = FRY
Fuengirola, Spain (Fuengirola) = FGR
Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany (Fuerstenfeldbruck) = FEL
Fuerte Olimpo, Paraguay (Fuerte Olimpo) = OLK
Fukue, Japan (Fukue) = FUJ
Fukui, Japan (Fukui) = FKJ
Fukuoka, Japan (Fukuoka) = FUK
Fukushima, Japan (Fukushima Airport) = FKS
Fulleborn, Papua New Guinea (Fulleborn) = FUB
Fullerton, United States (Municipal) = FUL
Fuma, Papua New Guinea (Fuma) =FUM
Funchal, Portugal (Madeira) = FNC
Funter Bay, United States (SPB) = FNR
Fuoshan, China (Fuoshan) = FUO
Futaleufu, Chile (Futaleufu) = FFU
Futuna Island, Vanuatu (Futuna Airport) = FTA
Futuna Island, Wallis and Futuna Islands (Futuna Island) = FUT
Fuyang, China (Fuyang) = FUG
Fuyun, China (Fuyun) = FYN
Fuzhou, China (Fuzhou) = FOC
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